San Antonio International Airport
Terminal A Conversion – Wayfinding Plan & Signage Design
San Antonio International Airport is currently in the process of expanding and renovating its terminal facilities. With the addition of a completely new “Terminal B” facility, the Airport’s wayfinding nomenclature system shifted to a new alpha designation, which in turn created a need to convert the existing “Terminal 1” to “Terminal A.” Using a new signage system previously established by the Airport’s Wayfinding & Signage Master Plan (and already implemented in the new Terminal B), Labozan Associates created a Wayfinding Plan document specific to converting the Terminal A facility to the new graphic and fabrication standards. The Wayfinding Plan document includes all documentation and re-design implementation standards for the existing wayfinding signage system, and is now completely compatible with the rest of the Airport’s new wayfinding system.

Curbside Signage

Interior Directionals

Interior Directionals

Sign Family Design Intent Standards (Example from the Standards and Guidelines)
Terminal A Security Checkpoint Graphic Concepts
With the overhaul of the Terminal A wayfinding system, the Airport also requested that conceptual design options be developed for identifying its security checkpoint area with a complementary set of environmental graphics. The environmental graphics are intended to draw attention to the security checkpoint from a distance with attractive graphics, while remaining graphically complementary to the new wayfinding system.

Security Checkpoint Graphic Concept